
british football terms referee

How to Read a Soccer Referee

There is always a lot going on during a soccer game, and one of the entertaining things to watch for is all the ways a referee communicates with players. One assumes he uses words, and one would love to hear...

Some More Thoughts on This Whole “Soccer” Situation

Once again, I shall wade into dangerous cultural waters. But this whole thing about Americans calling the world’s most popular game “soccer” just keeps coming up in lots of ways, and I have some more thoughts on it. First, as...

Watching English Soccer: Etiquette, Dos and Don’ts

Every year, tens of thousands of Americans go see soccer games in England. But since they are visiting a different sporting culture, they often wonder about etiquette at games. After all, we don’t want to annoy our neighbors … right?...

Is It Safe to Go to English Soccer Games?

The question about safety at English soccer games is one I get a lot. I even get comments about "running with the hooligans." And the answers are yes to the first, no to the second. While there are certainly some...

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