Groundhopping Adventures: From London to Birmingham, Feeling at Home

Paul Gerald · Profile
Groundhopping Adventures: From London to Birmingham, Feeling at Home

As I get a little better at these groundhopping football trips, I find myself getting into the groove with UK transit.

Feeling at home in England.

For example, second morning of this trip, it’s off to Birmingham to see the Blues play Cardiff. I started in West Norwood, the South London home of my English family, and without giving it a whole lot of thought, I hopped onto the Southern Railway train with my BritRail pass, got into Victoria station, went straight into the Underground station, took the Victoria Line a few stops up to Euston Station, grabbed a salad and bottle of water at the food shop, then waved my pass at the man at the gate and hopped onto the 14:13 London Midlands with four minutes to spare.

That’s one hour from home to a northbound train across town, with lunch. In the groove.

On the other end, I’ve got a Holiday Inn (booked with points) right across the street from the station, and a ticket to the game waiting for me at the office.

A fine country to move around in!

Written By Paul Gerald
Paul Gerald, Owner and Founder of Groundhopper Soccer Guides · Profile
Paul started Groundhopper Soccer Guides as in 2014. He has been to more than 250 games around the UK and Europe, and he currently lives in Madrid.

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